01255 479103
Welcome to Meadow Cottage Boarding Cattery
Opening in 2000, we are set within a quiet country setting. Meadow Cottage is a cat only environment with personal attention given to our guests at all times.
Having been a cat owner for over 30 years, I am a member of The Feline Advisory Bureau (FAB), now known as International Cat Care, The Burmese Cat Club, The RSPCA, The Blue Cross and the PDSA.
Lynda Nix, Proprietor
All chalets are heated with a small radiator, have window shelves, sleeping benches and cat flaps. Pens are separated by brick walls (bottom) and white sheeting for sneeze barriers (above). For added security there is a safety corridor adjacent to the runs.
Beds, bedding, scratching posts and toys are provided but owners are welcome to bring their pets’ own beds and bedding, together with their toys, scratching posts and anything else that may help to make their pets have a happy and enjoyable stay.

We have a range of pricing options depending on how many guests will be staying with us. All of our pricing is charged per day.
Please note that a full days charge is charged for both arrival and departure days.
Pet Plan Insurance is included in the price and gives cover of up to £1250.00 on any veterinary charges that may be incurred during your cat’s stay at the Cattery.